Human Design Partnership Overview


A two-hour partnership/relationship analysis session using Human Design. Includes a short overview of each individual’s design and specific themes of connection (attraction, education, and challenge).

To book this session, both people should have already had an individual Human Design reading as the success of the Partnership session is based on a solid understanding of each individual’s design.

Consultations are conducted (and recorded for your reference) using Zoom video software. You will need to have access to a computer with a working microphone, video camera, and internet connection. Once you have placed an order for the session, the system will email you a link to my online calendar where you can choose a date and time for our meeting.

One of the most fascinating areas of Human Design and life, in general, is that of partnership – how two people come together in unique and very specific ways to create a new entity of the relationship itself.

A Human Design partnership session explores the mechanics of the relationship between two individuals showing the specific areas of attraction, learning, and challenge. This is not relationship “therapy” but the awareness gained of the mechanics may be therapeutic. From this, we have the possibility of a new way of relating, based on mutual respect for each individual and how they are both similar and different from us.

Human Design uses your birth data to calculate your design chart, or BodyGraph, which determines your Type and Definition, the key components of the system. An exact birth time is required to run an accurate chart. This is ideally the time on your birth certificate, but if you do not have access to a birth certificate next best would be from a baby book or the memory of the parents.

Consultations are conducted (and recorded for your reference) using online video conferencing with the Zoom platform. You will need to have access to a computer with a working microphone and video camera with a working internet connection.

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